Mois Europeen de la Photographie à Sofia

O meu último projeto “TOMAI O MEU CORPO“, que aqui há de aparecer está já em Sofia, Bulgária, no Mês Europeu da Fotografia. Dêem uma espreitadela aos projetos presentes.
My last project “TAKE MY BODY“, it is already in Sofia, Bulgaria, at The European Month of Photography. Take a peek at the projects included.

THE PORTFOLIO PROJECT | Mois Europeen de la Photographie à Sofia | 2013.

De 18 a 29 Novembro 2013 | VIVACOM Art Hall | Sofia | Bulgária
THE PORTFOLIO PROJECT participa no Mês da Fotografia, em Sofia com apresentação de diversos projectos individuais e colectivos.
Projectos individuais
SUSANA PAIVA | Electronic Landscapes
LUÍS PINTO | Hope + The value of manual labour
ROSA REIS | Cumplicidades
ARLINDO PINTO | Take my body
ANA PEREIRA | Cenários de uma República + O mundo das pequenas coisas – imagens de um presente em pausa
RICARDO FIGUEIRA | À la poursuite du désir
JORGE PEDRA | Blur over the sky and ground + Urban Walls
Projectos colectivos
MUSEU | modos de usar
Feito em parceria com o MUSEU NACIONAL MACHADO DE CASTRO, em Coimbra
SUSANA PAIVA | Hiato – entre nós todo um universo
BRENDA TURNNIDGE | Where two world meet – Angels, Saints and Monks in waiting
CARLOS GOMES | Invisível movimento
Projectos especiais
Quando olho o palco vejo todo um universo
(Reflexão sobre o território da Fotografia do Espectáculo, realizado no âmbito do projecto ESCOLA INFORMAL DE FOTOGRAFIA DO ESPECTÁCULO)
CARLOS GOMES | (in)animated scenes

Mais informações sobre o Festival em

How did I get into photography


How did I get into photography

One of these days an art critic asked me how I did I became interested in photography! It is one of those pocket questions for which we think we have the answer on the tip of the tongue, but it is sometimes more difficult than it seems. Of course we all know the answer. Usually, “is a passion that awakened early”, because a family member liked or like to photograph, because we want to immortalize moments, give voice to certain causes, make known beauties and horrors, etc..
How was it with me? How did I get into photography?
As a child I have been just bitten by the bug! Just after been bitten by it, I became interested in photography as the child that all photographers should be: the curious look in the ceaseless discovery of what we look at, but we don’t truly see. The willingness to see reality in a different way, the one that is only visible as a product of the photographic camera. For example, the time shown in the picture (recorded movement in the form of a “blur”) is provided only in photography. My live music photos or the Threads of Life series are to me the best examples. This is something that captivates me, it always surprises me and only photography can give me!
The bug stung me when I was about 7 years, more or less. In fact, don’t know why and it just doesn’t matter, someone offered me a bireflex camera. I don’t even knew what it was and never got any picture with it. But I liked to see through it! It was a toy. It disappeared in time. Psychologically this “toy” that stood between me and reality may ultimately constitute a defensive line of mine “I” before the world.
I think this is my biggest interest in photography: to be my defense of others and, simultaneously, the form of revealing mine I to the world! Contradictory? Perhaps. “ Living is to be in contradiction ”, said Sarte, therefore I do not worry about it.
While adolescent without means to buy a camera, I photographed with borrowed compact cameras. For a long time I was a “seasonal” photographer with a Yashica Electro 35 G.
I photographed on holidays, especially family and one or another photographic adventure! Only much later age and recently in time (1999) I was able to buy my first SLR in 2003 and make first professional photography course and a photographic aesthetics course at Oficina da Imagem. Then I saw the cosmos and I began a journey in which I could put into practice some ideas, attending workshops and other courses and devote more time to photography. I don’t identify myself in traditional photography. I look for alternatives.
Basically, I do not take pictures, I like to do them!

Three In The Wind

Three In The Wind

Three In The Wind: hoje, 12 de fevereiro de 2013 foi um dia que sendo carnaval não foi para uns quantos. Whatever! Saí, senti o vento e achei que no vai e vem da natureza podia encontrar serenidade. E encontrei!

Three In The Wind: Today, February 12, 2013 was a day that being carnival it was not for a few. Whatever! I left, I felt the wind and thought that in the back and forth of nature I could find serenity. And I did!